Created a Borough in 1911.

Area-3932 acres. Population-5000. Dwellings- 1147. Length of streets-53 miles. Average rainfall-40 inches. Altitude-70 feet.

Valuations, 1945-Improved Capiial Value, £546,000; Nett Annual Value. £42,000.

Rate, 1945-General rate of 3s. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.

Newspapers- “The Powlett Press,” pub­lished weekly on Fridays; “The Wonthaggi Sentinel and State Town Miner,” published every Friday.

Electoral Divisions-Federal: Gippsland. State: L.C.. South-Eastern Province. L.A., Wonthaggi.


Mayor-Cr. A. Keltie.


Crs. F. Oakley; I. Williams; H. Saunders; S. B. H. Fincher, J.P.; J. A. Ryan, J.P.; W. G. McKenzie, M.L.A.; J. Birt; E. S. Beard.


Town Clerk-W. H. Bray. J.P., F.I.I.A., F.I.M.A.
Engineer-W. H. Scott. C.M.G.. D.S.O. and Bar, C.E.
Health Officer-Dr. L. O. Sleeman, M.B.

The Council meets on the third Monday in the month.

This Borough is situated on the south coast of the State, to the east of Western Port, and is 86 miles south-east of Melbourne by rail. It is a flourishing coal-mining township where black coal is mined for the Victorian Railways. It is the largest black coal area in Victoria and tests have proved that there are large reserves of coal capable of supply­ ing the whole State. At present mining ac­tivities employ over 1000 men. In the sur­rounding district agricultural and dairying pursuits are followed and the produce of the same pass through the Borough. Industries located in the Borough include a clothing factory. cordial factory, engineering shops, the White Manufacturing Company, which employs about 80 persons. and the electricity power house.

The township is well lit with electricity and has water supply from a storage reservoir. Sporting facilities are adequate. There is a Technical School and a Convent School as W,ell as Primary Schools, two picture theatres and four hotels. The Borough’s seaside re­sort is Cape Patterson, which is four miles from the township with access by an excel­lent road. Here may be had excellent swim­ming and fishing and, inland, the Bass River Valley and the surrounding district provide excellent scenery.


Created a District in 1871, proclaimed Phil­lip Island and Woolamai Shire in 1874, re­defined by Phillip Island Riding being severed, name changed to Woolamai 1928. and re-named Bass in 1929.

Area-199 sq. miles. Population-4294. Dwellings-1097. Length of roads-231 miles. Average rainfall-42 inches. Altitude-from sea level on coast. altitude varies up to 998 feet.

Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £1.270,120; Nett Annual Value. £63,506.

Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/6d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.

Electoral Divisions – Federal: Flinders; Gippsland. State: L.C., South-Eastern Pro­vince. L.A., Mornington; Wonthaggi.


President-Gr. D. McRae, J.P.


Crs. L. M. Wilson, J.P.; W. T. C. Llewellyn, J.P.; A. J. Shackelford; J. Campbell, J.P.; F. J. Bird, J.P.; C. Steinholdt; J. P. Jones, J.P.; J. Bolding.


Secretary, Treasurer and Interim Valuer­ H. E. Walkear, F.I.M.A.
Engineer-W. H. Scott, C.M.G.. D.S.O. and Bar. C.E.
Rate Collector-P. L. Phillips.
Office Assistant-L. J. Greaves.
Health Inspector-J. Robertson.
Health Officer-Dr. L. O. Sleeman, M.B.
Shire Overseer-P. Slattery.

The Council meets on the second Monday in the month.

Shire Headquarters-Daylston.

The Shire of Bass lies to the north of the Borough of Wonthaggi, in the Gippsland Penin­sula and is crossed by the main line from Wonthaggi to Melbourne. It is a very close­ly settled area where grazing and pastoral industries are carried on, dairying is exten­sive, and coal-mining for black coal is pur­sued. Cattle and sheep are grazed, potatoes especially are grown, and at the seaports on the south coast to the west of Wonthaggi and along the Shire coastal line to Western Port there is a considerable fishing industry. Sawmilling is also carried on in parts of the Shire and there are chicory kilns.

The Shire township of Daylston is situated just outside the boundaries of the Borough of Wonthaggi in the centre of a grazing dis­ trict. Nearby is Archie’s Creek, where there is a butter and cheese factory. Woolamai is an area where tests have proved there is an excellent seam of black coal over a wide area. The Prowlett River, four miles from Wonthaggi, is estimated to be one of the greatest coal basins yet discovered in Vic­ toria and it is considered that it will yield millions of tons.

San Remo is a popular watering place at the eastern entrance to Western Port Bay, where there are two jetties, two hotels, ex­cellent scenery, interesting caves, and all holiday facilities. It is from here that the bridge goes across from the mainland to Phillip Island. Bass is a township on the Bass River and is noted as one of the first settled parts of the State of Victoria. Corinella. on the eastern passage of Western Port Bay. is also noted as an early settle­ment.

Although devoted in the main at the present time to pastoral pursuits, Government bores have proved fine seams of black coal in a number of areas of the Shire and in the future it is anticipated that this industry will be considerably developed.


Created a District in 1862 and proclaimed a Shire in 1868.

Area-384 sq. miles. Population-9975. Dwellings-3050. Length of roads-808 miles. Average rainfall–29 inches. Altitude-95 feet at Pakenham.

Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £2,939,060; Nett Annual Value, £146,953.

Rate, 1945-General rates of 3s. in the £ in Beaconsfield Riding; of 2/Sd. in the £ in Berwick Riding; of 2/3d. in the £ in Paken­ ham Riding, and 2s. in the £ in Iona Riding; all levied on Nett Annual Values.

Newspapers “The Pakenham Gazette and Berwick Shire News,” published at Pakenham weekly on Fridays; “The Bunyip and Garfield Express,” published at Bunyip weekly on Fridays.

Electoral Divisions – Federal: Flinders. State: L.C., South-Eastern Province. L.A., Gippsland West.


President-Cr. T. C. Whiteside.


Crs. R. Ure; J. W. Richardson; J. C. Anderson; C. F. Greaves, J.P.; D. L. Kinsella, J.P.; J. G. Dore, J.P.; T. F. Houlihan; M. J. Bourke, J.P.; J. J. Gardiner; A. G. Robinson; J. Fallon.


Shire Secretary-J. J. Ahern, J.P.
Shire Engineer-H. L. Keys, C.E.
Assistant Secretary-Beatrice Thomas.

The Council meets on the third Friday in the month.

Shire Headquarters-Pakenham East.

This suburban Shire is situated to the south­east of Melbourne, south of the Shire of Fern Tree Gully. The southern part of the area is fairly flat, but to the north the country becomes undulating and in parts very hilly. It is a rural. semi-suburban area in which general farming, dairying, sheep grazing and fruit growing are carried on. The main Gippsland railway passes across the southern part of the Shire and in the north the line through Fern Tree Gully ter­ minates in the Shire at the township of Gem­ brook.

The township of Pakenham, the Shire head­ quarters, is 35 miles east of Melbourne on the Gippsland railway. It is the centre of a dairying and horticultural district and is equipped with electricity and water supply, and facilities include two hotels. a recreation reserve, a showground and a racecourse. There is a large fruit cool storage works in the town. Bunyip is a general farming and market gardening township with a population of 600, a further 13 miles east on the same railway. In this area corn, oats, potatoes, carrots and fruit are grown, and there is a large cool store in this town also. Electricity and water supply is available, and fishing may be had in the Bunyip River. Gembrook, in the north, is picturesquely placed in the Dandenong Ranges and apart from its sur­ rounding pastoral activities is popular with daily visitors. Timber-cutting is carried on in this area and there are sawmills in the town. In various parts of the Shire apples are extensively grown and near the settle­ment of Iona large quantities of onions and potatoes are produced annually.


Created a District in 1860 and proclaimed a Shire in 1868.

Area-291½ sq. miles. Population-8022. Dwellings-2250. Length of roads-404 miles. Average rainfall-29 inches. Altitude-160 feet at Cranbourne.

Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £2,256,440; Nett Annual Value, £112,822.

Rates, 1945General rate of 2/6d. in the £ Cranbourne and Lang Lang Ridings and of 2/9d in the £ in Tooradin and Kooweerup Riding ; levied on Nett Annual Values.

Electoral Divisions – Federal: Flinders. State: L.C.. South-Eastern Province. L.A. Gippsland West; Mornington.


President-Cr. F. Hodgson.


Crs. J. Taylor; R. Campbell, J.P.; H. Kirk­ ham; R. Longmuir; R. S. Bailey; F. M. Dale; A. Webb; M. Bennett, M.L.A.. J.P.; L. J. Cochrane; W. C. Greaves, J.P.; J. Thwaites, J.P.


Shire Secretary-A. F. Buchanan.
Assistant Secretary-M. Hinde.
Consulting Engineer-A. C. Leith, M.C.E.
Asst. Engineer and Treasurer, etc.-H. H. Cockcroft.
Health Officer-Dr. A. B. Hewitt, M.B.. B.S.
Health Inspector-I. Robertson.

The Council meets on the first Friday in the month.

Shire Headquarters-Cranbourne.

This Shire area lies to the South of Mel­bourne and surrounds the northern part of Western Port. On the western side of the Shire it b.orders on to the Shire of Frankston and Hastings, and in the northern portion
stretches as far north as the township of Dandenong. The South Gippsland Railway. which branches off at Dandenong, crosses the Shire.

It is a fairly level or undulating stretch of country which is used mainly for horse and sheep and cattle breeding, dairying and mixed farming. The township of Cranbourne is the centre of a farming district in the more northerly portion of the Shire, being 27 miles from Melbourne by rail. It has a popu­lation of about 500, sporting amenities, water supply and electric light and power. There is a hosiery factory in the town and weekly stock sales are regularly held. There are sand pits in the area from which the sand is taken and sent to the Metropolis. Koowe­rup is a dairying township, 41 miles by rail from Melbourne, with a cheese factory and flax mill in the town. It has a population of about 650 and electric light supply. In this area there are large deposits of coarse sand which are used for road making. Tooradin is a seaside township on Western Port Bay, where both swimming, fishing and shooting may be had. Throughout the Shire, which is fairly closely settled, there are a number of settlements, and market gardening and fruit growing are carried on.


Created a District in 1857 and proclaimed a Shire in 1873.

Area-55¼ sq. miles. Population-13,000. Dwellings-3250. Length of roads-105 miles. Average rainfall-29 inches. Altitude-SO feet at Dandenong.

Valuation, 1945 – Unimproved Capital Value, £1,327,290; Improved Capital Value, £3,361.849; Nett Annual Value, £181.288.

Rate, 1945-General rate of 5d. in the £ levied on Unimproved Capital Values.

Newspapers-“The Dandenong Advertiser,” published weekly on Thursdays; “The Dande­nong Journal,” published weekly on Thurs­days.

Electoral Divisions – Federal: Flinders.State: L.C., South Province. L.A.. Dandenong; Gippsland West.


President–Cr. A. McV. Fleming.


Crs. W. C. Dunlop; A. A. Erickson; A. W. Bowman; A. E. Temple; J. T. Edwards; R. W. Williams, J.P.; R. V. Tharle; C. W. Baker; J. C. Mills, J.P.; T. L. Keys; W. L. Podmore.


Secretary and Valuer-R. Booth, A.F.I.A.
Engineer and Building Surveyor-F. L. Hicks, B.C.E.
Acting Engineer and Building Surveyor-R. H..Woodcock, C.E.
Assistant Engineer-A. M. McCormack.
Health Officers–Sir Gilbert Boileau. Bart., and N. Luth, M.B.
Health and Meat Inspector-H. L. Williams.
Meat Inspector-A. Toyne.

The Council meets on the second Monday in the month.

Shire Headquarters-Dandenong.

This Shire comprises an area of ‘country which lies immediately inland to and adjoins the Cities of Moorabbin and Chelsea. It is crossed by the main Gippsland railway from Melbourne, and at the township of Dande­nong the South Gippsland railway branches off.

It is largely a semi-suburban rural area with comparatively flat country which is de­voted to general farming and dairying and some market gardening. The township of Dandenong is at the extreme east of the Shire and is 18-!- miles south-east of Mel­bourne by rail. It is a prosperous residential and industrial township with water supply, gas, electricity and sewerage. There are four hotels, an infant welfare centre, bacon, butter, cheese and cordial factories, a casing and surgical suture factory. a firebrick works and a harrow works. There is an excellent swimming baths with a modern fil­tration plant, a High School and usual ade­ quate sporting facilities. On two days each week very busy markets are held and through the same pass farm and dairy pro­ duce, vegetables. poultry, horses and stock. The main Prince’s Highway passes through the town. The Dandenong Creek flows across the Shire into Port Phillip Bay, and as an extensive portion of the eastern boun­dary of the Shire is only from five to 10 miles from the shore of the Bay, residents of the Shire have little difficulty in visiting the many popular watering places in the area. Other townships within the Shire are dairying or market gardening centres.


Created a District in 1868 and proclaimed a Shire in 1874.

Area-185 sq. miles. Population-7400. Dwellings-2610. Length of roads-304 miles. Average rainfall-.30 inches. Altitude-the Shire is practically surrounded by the sea and in parts rises to about 1100 feet.

Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £2,347,540; Nett Annual Value, £117,377.

Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/9d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.

Enlistments from the Shire area-893.

Some Honour Winners–Spencer Brown, D.F.C.; Alan Hesking, D.F.C.; Alan G. Strick­ land, D.F.C.; W. Jimmett, M.M.

Electoral Divisions – Federal: Flinders. State: L.C., South-Eastern Province. L.A., Mornington.


President-Cr. W. G. Hiscock, J.P.


Crs. W. G. Myers, J.P.; D. Buckley, J.P.; A. Greaves, J.P.; E. Rudduck, J.P.; F. Jarman; D. Macfarlan, J.P.; H. W. Wilson; A. W. Murray, J.P.; D. M. Crichton, J.P.; J. Wood; W. H. Goss, J.P.


Secretary-H. H. Strickland, F.I.M.A., J.P.
Engineer-G. W. Brown, C.E.
Health Officers-Dr. A. Macdonald and Dr. Camm.

The Council meets on the first Wednesday in the month.

Shire Headquarters-Dromana.

This Shire area takes in the Peninsula, which is at the eastern entrance to Port Phillip. It has Port Phillip on its western side, Bass Strait on the southern side, and Western Port on the eastern side, thus being surrounded by water on three sides. Adjacent to it to the north is the Shire of Mornington and the Shire of Frankston and Hastings. The whole area is availed of as a popular holiday resort, but it is also a dis­trict in which there is considerable agricul­tural, pastoral, dairying and fruit growing activity. Timber-cutting is carried on in the more wooded parts of the Shire and various kinds of vegetables are grown.

The Shire headquarters is situated in the seaside township of Dromana on the shores of Port Phillip Bay, which is reached by rail either to Frankston or Mornington and thence by an excellent ‘bus service. Dromana Bay has a jetty extending 1400 feet into deep water, all sporting facilities for the tourist and excellent hotel and boarding house ac­ commodation. It is about 45 miles from Melbourne and has a permanent population of about 1000. Rising at the back of Dromana is the well-known mountain of Arthur’s Seat, which is 1031 feel above sea level. and from which may be had beautiful and extensive panoramas of Port Phillip Bay and all the surrounding coast. Dromana is approached by the Marine Drive from Morn­ington and Mount Martha, and from Dromana on the motorist may take a magnificent drive along the Point Nepean road which skirts the shoreline almost to Point Nepean at the entrance to the Bay. Excellent tourist roads cover the Peninsula linking the eastern shores with Port Philip Bay, and apart from the sea­ side resorts thus opened up, the tourist sees the interior of the Mornington Peninsula, which presents delightful pictures of orchards, plantations and farms.

Portsea has a population of about 200 and is situdted on the shores of Port Phillip Bay about two miles from Sorrento. It is a very popular watering place with two hotels and good accommodation and magnificent pano­ ramic views right across the heads of Port Phillip Bay. Sorrento is on the shores of the Bay near the heads. It has a population of 1000 and is continually patronised in the summer months, steamers running almost daily. There are excellent facilities for sport including golf links, public baths and a pier, and fishing and boating may be had. Rose­ bud, with a population of 950, is another watering place on the Bay, at the foot of Arthur’s Seat east of Dromana, and here very up-to-date camping facilities are avail­able to the motorist, and a very modern hotel caters for other tourists.


Created a District  in 1860 and  proclaimed a Shire in 1871.

Area-84½ sq. miles. Population- 8312. Dwellings-2922. Length of roads-170 miles. Average rainfall-28 inches. Altitude-Sea level. rising to about 300 feet.

Valuation, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £3,215,720; Nett Annual Value, £160,786.

Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/9d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.

Electoral Divisions – Federal: Flinders. State: L.C., South-Eastern Province. L.A., Mornington.


President-Cr. J. E. Grice.


Crs. J. L. Pratt, J.P.; W. R. J. Klauer; G. E. Hodgins; M. C. Tomasetii: W. H. Firth; H. T. Noble; R. F. Miles, J.P.; J. E. Sage; E. M. Hall; W. Armstrong, J.P.; P. J. Gaskin; f H. Wells, J.P.; G. V. Hurst; A. A. Alden.


Secretary and Treasurer-I. A. P. Ham.
Engineer-G. W. Browne, C.E.
Health Officer-Dr. G. W. Smithwick, M.B., B.S.
Valuer and Collector-E. Kerr.

The Council meets on the first and third Thursdays in the month.

Shire Headquarters-Frankston.

The area of the Shire of Frankston and Hastings lies at the northern end of the Mornington Peninsula at the eastern entrance to Port Philip. In the northern portion, the Shire stretches along the shores of Port Phillip Bay, and in this part is situated the Shire township of Frankston. The Shire boundaries then run south-east across the Peninsula to the shores of Western Port, where is situated the township of Hastings. Electric railway from Melbourne runs to Frankston on the shores of Port Phillip, and from thence a further line runs through the Shire to the township of Hastings, and thence on to Red Hill in the Shire of Flinders.

The whole area is well patronised by holiday-makers, but there is, nevertheless, considerable general farming and fruit grow­ing activity carried on in the district. The township of Frankston is extensively patro­nised by tourists both for extended holidays and for one-day tours. It has an excellent shopping centre and there are three hotels, which give high-class service. A long stretch of sandy beach on the shores of Port Phillip Bay is equipped with all facilities for the holiday-maker, a good jetty runs into the Bay, and on the foreshores there are ade­ quate parks and picnic grounds. Next to the township is Mount Eliza from which ex­tensive views may be had. Tourist roads in the neighbourhood are excellent and all sporting facilities, both for the tourist and the resident. including fishing and shooting, are available. The township of Frankton has a population of about 5000. Hastings is a township with a population of about 500 sftuated about 40 miles by rail from the Metropolis on the western shore of Western Port. It is noted for its fishing facilities and the many excellent orchards in the surround­ ing area. Somerville, on the Hasting rail­ wav line, is the centre of the well-known fruit growing area, and at Tyabb many orchards are ako found.

Professional fishing, especially in the Western Port area, is a considerable indus­try, and throughout this Shire area there are many nurseries and small farms. Large quantities of timber are cut for firewood.


Proclaimed a Shire in 1893.

Area-35 sq. miles. Population-3500. Dwellings- 1042. Length of roads-87 miles. Average rainfall-26 inches. Altitude-60 feet.

Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £1,540,620; Nett Annual Value, £77,031.

Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/6d. in !he £ levied on Nett Annual Values.

Newspaper- “The Peninsula Post,” publish­ed at Mornington weekly on Thursday.

Electoral Divisions – Federal: Flinders. State: L.C., South-Eastern Province. L.A., Mornington.


President-Cr. R. B. Hamilton.


Crs. D. Walsh; A. J. Kirkton, M.L.A.; R. Nunn; S. L. Butler; H. E. Edwards, J.P.; B. I. Watson; E. A. Berry. J.P.; E. G. Bradford, J.P.; W. I. Pride; J. O. Watt; L. E. D. Moodie-Heddle.


Shire Secretary (acting)-A. H. Serpell.
Shire Engineer and Building Surveyor-I. S. Watson.
Health Inspector-C. Scott.
Health Officer-Dr. A. T. Taylor, M.B., B.S.

The Council meets on the second Friday in the month.

Shire Headquarters-Mornington.

The Shire is situated on the Eastern Peninsula of Port Phillip, adjacent to the Shire of Flinders. The area is pastoral and rural and is devoted to cattle and sheep raising, dairy­ing, general farming and fruit growing. The township of Mornington, with a population of 2300, is situated on the shores of the Bay and has water supply, sewerage, gas, electricity (both in the town and the surrounding district), and has all sporting facilities including a racecourse. Both Mornington and Mount Martha (population, 680) are popular tourist resorts, and in this locality there are twelve miles of beautiful coast line, studded with a number of excellent and safe bathing beaches. Momington is 39 miles from Mel­bourne either by rail or road, the latter part of the road journey being particularly in­teresting. The township, now one of Vic­toria’s foremost and fashionable seaside play­ grounds, is placed on an eminence overlook­ ing the Bay and is shielded on one side by steep cliffs and from the sea by a fine pier and breakwater. Safe bathing is thu pro­ vided in all weathers. It is a fine, modern town possessing about 652 dwellings. excel­ lent shops and public buildings, a theatre, and four high-class hotels and quest houses. Hot sea-water baths are available, and in addition to swimminq, fi0hing and boating, there are good facilities for golf, tennis, bowls and croquet.

A trip along the Marine Drive winding round the cliffs brings the tourist to Mount Martha township, which is 545 feet above sea level, providing commanding views over the Bay. This township has 195 dwellings, which include many beautiful homes, and adjacent are wide, sandy beaches. The Shire area generally has a fine winter climate and enjoys freedom from fog and frosts.

From either township many journeys can be made through the charming Mornington and Flinders Peninsulas either by car, horse riding or hiking. Generally the whole Penin­sula presents a charming picture of orchards, plantations and farms. Education facilities are a State School and two Convent Schools, and industries are an engineering works, clothing factory, ice work and cordial works. Local societies are The Mcrnington Peninsula Stud Cattle Society and the Mornington Racing Club.


Proclaimed a Shire in 1928.
Area-531/8 sq. miles. Population-1200. Dwellings-286. Length of roads-100 miles. Average rainfall-31 inches. Altitude-varies from sea level to 200 feet at the highest point.

Valuations, 1945-Improved Capital Value, £430.480; Nett Annual Value, £21,524.

Rate, 1945-General rate of 2/6d. in the £ levied on Nett Annual Values.

Enlistments from the Shire-55.

Electoral Divisions – Federal: Flinders. State: L.C., South-Eastern Province. L.A., Mornington.


President-Cr. S. J. McFee.


Crs. R. T. Harris; W. D. Davie; J. W. Gliddon, J.P.; J. Hislop; J. C. Edhouse; H. Crole; W. T. Smith; L. D. Jones.


Shire Secretary-D. McAdie, A.I.M.A.
Shire Engineer-C. W. Candy, C.E.
Health Officer-Dr. F. W. Williams.
Electrical Engineer-A. Goodall.
Shire Headquarters-Cowes.

This Shire covers the area of Phillip Island, which is 14 miles long and six miles across at its widest part and lies at the mouth of Western Port gulf. Apart from its popu­larity as a tourist resort, it is a dairying and agricultural area. Carrots are produced on a very large scale and chicory is grown and treated in chicory kilns. There is also some ship-builidng in several of the townships and professional fishing is carried on as an industry.
The Shire headquarters is in the town­ ship of Cowes on the coast where all oppor­ tunities for a sporting holiday may be found. There are two good hotels, a number of boarding houses and very fine sea views. The fishing and shooting are excellent. New­ haven, at the eastern end of the Island, is a fishing township which is connected by a bridge with San Remo on the mainland. Other settlements are Rhyll, where ship­ building is carried on, and Ventnor.
Access to the Island is had by rail from Melbourne to Stoney Point, thence by car and passenger ferry, a total distance of 51 miles, or the motorist may take the road to San Remo and over the newly constructed bridge, a total distance of 90 miles. Day and week-end visitors and others on more extended tours freely patronise the Island. For the tourist, Phillip Island offers a won­derful climate, cool in summer, mild in win­ter, and sunshine nearly all the time. There are many glorious surfing beaches and enticing bays and caves. Allied with the scenic attractions, fiching, boating and other sporting recreation places the Island in the front rank of Victoria’s seaside haunts. Roads on the Island are good, there is a motor race track of 6¼ miles circuit and there is an aerodrome. Fishing is especially good and at all times whiting, schnapper, pike, rock cod and flathead are abundant. Out­ standing attractions are the abundance of koalas, penguins, mutton birds and seals.